Sunday, November 25, 2012

thanksgiving…from Tennessee to Kentucky, we are thankful!

We spent Wednesday night and Thursday morning in Dyersburg celebrating thanksgiving with the Wellington’s. Davis woke up to find these sweet turkey deals where he left his cookie turkey with LAla the night before!

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We enjoyed a lazy thanksgiving morning complete with a yummy breakfast and the 100 things we were thankful for from the family, that’s over 600 things!

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One of Walker's besties and his family came over to visit before we headed to KY. Asher and Davis both loved the tractor!

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Emmy sure cracks me up…she loves to chew on things and not hold them..ha! What a mess!

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Davis and Emmy really loved Bubba’s piano…look at those two sweet babies!

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This little man couldn’t stay still, he was dancing his heart out!

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Guess who is crawling backwards and almost forwards…DESPITE her momma picking her up so she won’t…that would be this girl!!!

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Our sweet buddies, the Hanauer’s came to visit while we were in KY and we could not have been more excited to see them and introduce them to Emerson! Look at all those sweet faces!

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blurry, but these are my girls! I love Kylie and treated her as my own before I had kiddos. Now I pray little Emmy will be like her…

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I’ve missed this sweetie! She was catching me up on all the reading I have missed!

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Photo shoot with Mia and Pops..

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Big bro needed some picture action

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sweet baby girl

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Mia was bound and determined to get her to like a carrot for teething. It only took 5 tries but she finally starting chewing on it! HA!

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We sure are blessed with the best family and friends a family could ask for. God is so good to us. I pray we will keep this thankful spirit year round and never forget where our blessings come from!

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