Wednesday, November 21, 2012

third week of thanks..

15 I’m thankful for the ability to exercise. It not only makes me feel better, a great stress reliever, but it makes me a better mommy and wife!

Davis: I’m thankful for sissy. She is my best sissy ever and I love her EVER!

16 I’m thankful for the phone. I sure love hearing the voices of the friends and family I love.

Davis: "I’m thankful for Peyton. She is my girl and I love her!

17 I’m thankful for messes. It means my children are learning, having fun and being independent!

Davis: I’m thankful for Andrew. He plays with me on the trampoline!

18 I’m thankful for neighbors. You know the ones you can call on for anything…a drink for a sick child, an egg you forgot, or just and ear to talk to!

Davis: I’m thankful for Mitchell. He plays with me on the trampoline too!

19 I’m thankful for our vehicles. They may not be the biggest or the best, but they take me and my family to where we need to go safely!

Davis: I’m thankful for Jaylee. She plays with me on the playground.

20 I’m thankful for books. Love drifting off to another land and getting my mind of the sorrows of this world!

Davis: I’m thankful for Gabrella. She played with me at her birthday party!

21 I’m thankful for couches to snuggle with my hubby and babies on!

Davis: I’m thankful for chicken nuggets. I just like to eat them!

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