Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snot, snot go away!

We have had a very snotty week this week that has turned into Emerson’s first sick doctor visit and double ear infections resulting in an antibiotic! Poor Emmy! We sure hate seeing her sick and sad and we are so ready for everyone to be snot free! I knew something was up when she wasn’t eating well and was fussy( she is typically such a chill baby!) Hopefully this will be over soon and and she will be one and done with the ear infections! IT hasn’t stopped her from being on the move or staying busy though…

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Davis is so into Legos and he got his first Lego magazine this week and he loved going through it with his daddy…

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we found this book in a closet and Davis was so was the new show he had been you tubing!

Of course Davis thought she needed some extra loving too…maybe that is why he is snotty now too!

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I told you he was in to legos…see this fire he built! Complete with fire trucks and men to put it out! What a smart, imaginative little boy I have!

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Speaking of smart, this little guy has picked up yet another skill..he can write his whole name..last name included and we didn’t do him any favors with how long his name is!! Who needs school ? ha!

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We got a tiny amount of snow and D thought he must go and check it out..I stayed inside the sunroom and captured some photos…not enough snow for me to get all bundled up!

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snow ball

I cracked up, he picked up everything that the wind had blown over…such a big helper!

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Emerson sure loves her daddy. She puts on her sweet smile and loves all over him when he comes home…here she is with her letter card, hey you can never start to early!

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We have the best daddy ever..not many dads come home on their lunch to sneak a visit with his babies and wife! WE are so lucky!

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Davis and I snuck out today and look what we found..the deal of the day if you ask him..thanks goodwill for making my son the happiest firefighter EVER! WE played Billy blazes and will stop (rescue heroes) all the way home! When your three year old can use words/phrases like evacuation, situation, emergency, he can read you your “rights”, crooks, etc.…you know he is a firefighter! HA! Love him and this firefighter imagination!

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Shhh.. we may have even snuck in a few games at chuckie cheese, don’t tell sissy and daddy!

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daddy is hilarious

sweet siblings..dancing yeah!


Weeks like these make me stir crazy, thankful for Kleenexes, or an abundance of long sleeve clothes (my kids use them as their Kleenex as I’m wearing them!), books, quiet activities, sweet friends that visit and vicks!

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