Tuesday, November 30, 2010

20 months

TWENTY MONTHS OLD! I cannot believe that in only four short months you will be two. Where has the time gone. I know, it has FLOWN! So many changes now it is hard to blog about all your new characteristics. YOU are very independant and have developed a not very nice sound when you are getting too much help! We are working on that and hopefully will conquer it in the next 20 years! You also learned to yell at Mimi's and Pawpaw's and mommy does not like it. WE have to get you back to using your sweet little call voice. You are talking more and more everyday and we are having to watch what we say very closely. You pick up on so much. Tonight we were eating with friends and you said milk. I told you they didn't have any milk so you said home. haha-you know where the milk is! You are still VERY bossy and again we are working on that as well. This is a product of LOTS of mommy time and having her all to yourself. My friend said it right, you need a sibling, but I am not ready to give you one just yet. You are still a very picky eater, but you are trying more things especially when we don't make a big deal about it. Your top favorite things to eat are corn, chicken nuggets, pizza, pancakes, poptarts, ziti and yogurt. Your motor skills are crazy awesome and you surpise me everyday with things you can get in to and climb. You wanted a golf ball the other day and climbed the couch and got into a shelf that had the one you wanted. You love the color blue and despite your knowledge of colors you say everything is blue. You can identify others and say the others but when asked about color it is immediate that you reply blue! You know you are one and can hold one finger up, but you love having two items so you often ask for two. You love to play especially if you have someone with you. Again another one of my traits, always wanting to be with people. You love watching Elmo, curious george, or anything that sings. You have a killer dance move and you love shaking your groove thing. (everybody clap your hands, etc and ring around the rosie) You make anything a toy-like a box that we can color, get it and drive trucks on. You are absolutley obsessed with trucks. Everything we do involves trucks and you must have one in your hands at all times...yes they even watch you eat! You are very imaginative. You never forget anything and use it when you are make believing. You love to listen to stories we make up and read and you love hearing about Fredrick(our elf on the shelf). You my friend are the most awesome, bossy, loving, 20 month old boy I have ever met! I love you!

You love talking on your new phone that aunt lala gave you. Wonder who you are calling? Pawpaw, Mimi, Pops, Mia, Lala, Rob, Bubba, Laura or Nick--You have so many people that love you and want the best for you.

You love anything you can do with your hands and Santa brought an early present this am. You got a little game to keep you busy. You are so smart and loved playing with mommy and daddy!
You take them all out and put them back in, sometimes they get stuck but you just pull harder and they eventually come out!

You my son are the light of my life. 20 months ago you changed my life forever and I had no idea what kind of effect you would have on me. You are too precious for words and I love you with all my heart. I pray that you will always be a sweet little boy and will have a special heart for those who may not have love in thier lives. Always treat others better than you want to be treated and love unconditionally. Life is not easy and you will fall down, but get back up and I promise God will carry you through. It may seem as though everything is going right for everyone else and you can't catch a break, but you stay postive and love your God and he will take care of you!

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