Monday, November 1, 2010

R and R in TN

We spent some much needed time away this weekend in Tn and boy did we have fun. Davis got to run around and play at the farm and ride tractors and lets just say he was in little kid heaven! We also got to spend some quality time with Uncle! He gave Davis a pepsi truck and Davis really thought he was big stuff!

It took him a minute to get over his fear of the loud noise, but then he was hooked. He LOVED the tractor and rides with Daddy and Pawpaw.

Walker had this toy when he was little and I am pretty sure Davis enjoyed it too. They sure got thier moneys worth out of it. Go Big JOE!!

We had such a good time exploring the barn and the farm. Davis had a blast and pretty sure these pictures will tell how much fun he had! These pictures are pre dirt pics

post dirt..haha!

Davis had such a great time and was so worn out he slept till 9:30 one morning. Mommy and Daddy were so greatful! These are some more pics from our weekend!

Gone Fishing!! Walker let D help bring in a fish and D even touched it!

In less than 20 mins Davis looked like this in the car on the way home.

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