Monday, November 22, 2010

House Arrest

Davis has had a NASTY virus since Friday and we have been stuck in the house all weekend. THis is a product of all that time-our first Movie with DAvis. When he had a high fever he just wanted to lay around and we decided to show him some good ole disney movies! We watched CARS and The Fox and the Hound. He loved them! His fever would wear off and then he would be ready to play so we would stop the movie and begin it again when his fever would come back. POor Guy! He has had a rough go for the past two weeks, with an ear infection and now this virus but he sure has been a terrific boy. He has loved all the extra attention and he especially enjoyed sleeping with daddy. He now says "dadda bed" when it is time to go to sleep. It is so true the old saying give them an inch and they will take a mile! Oh well, hopefully he gets better really soon and is able to say Gobble Gobble with the rest of us on Thursday!

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