Friday, November 12, 2010


ok we made it through this week with no trip to tn. (i am not saying this because we don't like tn, but because for the last two weeks we have gone there for the CRAZINESS in our lives.) walker and i are in a wierd place right now, a place of waiting. this is difficult for us because not many of us do this often or well. we are waiting to see what new adventure God has in store for our family. hoping this adventure is not near as dramatic, but yet perfect for us and our situation. as we continue to wait, life must go on and we must continue living it to the fullest. praying that we remain strong, hopefull, and positive. have you ever noticed when nothing goes right for you, EVERYTHING goes right for people around you? i must say i feel stronger now than i have ever been and it is because of what has happened over the past two months. maybe everything is not turning out the way we expected or hoped, but the trials will be rewarded? only time will tell.
life has ended for some people near and dear to me and i just want to take a moment to tell each one of you reading this that i love you and my life has greatly been blessed by your influence and love.

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