Sunday, November 7, 2010

What a treasure we had in our UNCLE

We got the news early Thursday morning that Uncle had passed in his sleep and time stopped. For you see Uncle was exactly one week from his 98th birthday and some of us had decided he would be around forever. He had nothing overtly wrong with him, maybe a few bumps and bruises along the way but nothing that kept him complaining too much. Uncle was Walker's stand in grandaddy. Both of his grandpa's passed at a very early age and Walker was quickly drawn to a dear great Uncle that enveloped him and called him his own. I'll never forget the first time I met him, almost 10 years ago. I walked into his house and he grabbed me by the face and said " You are beautiful." The way he said it made me feel like it was true and he was sincere. I made lots of memories with Uncle because not a visit went by at the Wellington's with us not going to see him. To Walker visiting him was a must and such a great privilege. He made me laugh, he made me think, but most of all he made me a better person. He always had a challenge for WALker and I and always made sure to drive home his point. The challenge might have been biblical or may just have been a practical thing he had a very strong opinion about, but whatever the challenge it was heart felt. Not sure what life will be like without this man, but I know he sure is happy. He will leave alot of holes in our lives and I pray that the family will never forget his memories and his presense. I wish Davis could have gotten to know him better, but we have lots of pictures and memories of our own to pass down. I am confident he will not be forgotten in our household.

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