Friday, November 19, 2010

Bass Pro with Santa

I think we will make many more trips to see Santa since it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but this one was our first this year. Even with much preparation: reading the night before Christmas, Elf on the shelf, discussing what we want for Christmas and describing Santa Davis still HATED him! He cried and held on to me so tightly that we stayed in the picture with him! (I will post it later!) Here is where we waited for Santa, all was still well with Davis!

These are after we calmed down and began playing the games surrounding SAnta! Woohoo for shooting birds with DAddy!

And of course we had to try our hands out at the craft table. Davis made his first ornament!

Even though Davis should have been starving, he rufused to leave until he rode in all the boats he could see! What a boy!

Some of our attempts at some family pics!

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