Monday, November 29, 2010

TN Thanksgiving

Davis got a HUGE surprise when we got to TN for Thanksgiving...a tractor! He LOVES it and I took tons of cute pics of him on it. Walker is very inventive and created a way where we could pull him with a rope. Can you say he was in HEAVEN! I got tired of pulling the rope so I just hooked it around my waist and took off. A great workout and like I said Davis was happy as long as the tractor was moving!

Yogurt in the house. Mimi bought davis some yogurt and boy did he enjoy it, can't you tell?

This was his first time licking beaters. Umm...YUMMY! He loved the cream cheese icing Mimi made!

Uncle Mike and Sherry brought a toy, and Davis fell in love! They had a remote control truck that could climb anything and Davis began referring to Sherry as truck! A compliment for sure!

Staying at the farm means wearing our farm clothes. Davis went through many clothes on this visit. They have lots of one thing we don't play in much, MUD!

Took some cute pics with Mimi and Pawpaw during our visit.

Walker and I got our Christmas present early this year...wait for it...a .... I PAD! Davis sure does LOVE it!

A cow got loose while we were visiting and Davis loved watching it eat the grass. Funny thing is as soon as WAlker started mooing he stepped back over the fence and went back to his family! haha!

We had such a great visit. WAtch for another post on our photo shoot with Julie and Seth! Pictures are PRICELESS!

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