Monday, November 1, 2010

our PA story

several months ago walker was unexpectanly approached about a job promotion in PA. we were in shock, and immediatley began to pray for god to guide us in our decision. after many talks, prayers and tears we decided it was in our families best interest to relocate to PA. so, we began telling people. first our close friends and family, then our church family. word spread and people were saddened by our news but happy for our family to finally be togather. our house was put on the market, packers came to evaluate how much stuff we needed to be moved, plane tickets were purchased. in our minds we were moving, we were headed north. exactly 48 hours before walker was to leave for PA he recieved a call. a call that i fear caused my husband much pain and sorrow. a call that changed EVERYTHING. this call halted all of our plans. he came home and we discussed the changes. we reevaluated everything to see if it would still work. NOPE! this shocked us. we were dumbfounded that this could happen this close to us leaving. after making several calls and discussing more details we decided it was in our families best interest to remain in L-ville. after all that we are staying, shocking. now we were left to tell everyone we were staying and the PA adventure was over. i have to admit we made several peoples day with our news, but i will never forget my husbands face when he knew we could not go on with our plan. he was devastated! i am praying, as i hope you will, that he will find something else and it will allow him to be home with us and not "up" as Davis calls it. we need him and he needs us!
I hve tried to find meaning in all of this and this is the one thing I can come up with:
did this happen to see if we trusted god? when he saw we trusted him did he say ok and will he bless us with another opportunity here or closer to home?

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