Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back up train and get your load!

Today we leave to pack our house in L-ville and officially move to Milan, Tn. !'m not gonna lie, still very bittersweet. Being here in Milan for the last few weeks have been different and I am very lonely in the friend department. I miss my girls terribly and pray for them everyday. There is still a very big hole in my heart for each of them and I know God will provide me great Godly friends in Milan as well, but those friendships take time. (something I am not very good at) I am ready, however, to be completely and totally in one city. (granted the majority of our stuff will still be in storage, but atleast all still here) It will be a long night of driving and a busy day of packing (and going to the md-taking D one last time-has a TON of snot and I gotta make sure he doesn't have another ear infection!) but my wonderful sis and bro in law are going to help us and I know we will manage. Walker, Laura and Nick will head home after the packing is done and D and I will stay awhile with Mia and Pops. I have one last thing to finish up with the girl I am mentoring (Yay Ashley!) and gotta snag some friend time in for Davis and mommy! D will be turning two in one week so we will also sneak in a prebirthday party.
I sure do love some things about this town: can get ANYWHERE in 5 mins or less, quaint, walker comes home everyday for lunch, walker doesn't travel, living this close to so much family (we're missing our mia and pops though), being exposed to different things, getting to go to the gym nearly everyday, having a wonderful library with a GREAT story hour, enjoying the new park, etc.
I am still praying for my dad to get a job (hopefully somewhere near here!), Charlotte's surgery to go well, our house selling to be complete and our new house buying to be complete, Davis to get used to the environment here (he walks around with his eyes closed because of his allergies!), Walker and I to survive the craziness of moving and buying a home, D to survive house looking and moving again, and to meet, develop and strengthen relationships with Godly women whom I can call friends. (you know the kind you can call about ANYTHING!)

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