Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hump Day...messed up kinda of day

Well our morning began rather early today. Davis has been sickly lately and he woke up about 4:30 this am. We immediately thought we heard him say he needed a new diaper so I ventured to his room to see what exact;y was going on. He did not need a diaper, rather a drink. He fell back asleep for another hour and then was ready to rock and roll. Yes, this makes it only 5am. We tried everything and this boy was ready for his day to begin. My sweet, amazing, wonderful, brilliant hubby decided he would get up with him and let me snooze. At his normal awake time they woke me up and we all began our day. So all day long I have had a WILD man on my hands. He has not acted ugly just had Lots of extra energy! Maybe he feels better, or maybe he was just extra excited about Dr. Sues Birthday! We headed to the gym and worked out for awhile until is was story time. When we got in the car Davis stated "messed up day" ,something he learned from his Mia, and I told him yes because you got up so early this day is messed up! HAHA! Next, we headed to the library for some green eggs and ham. YUMMY! Davis for sure wouldn't eat them so mommy got a bite! After the birthday celebration we headed home, or so I thought we were headed home. Davis spotted some scooper's (as he calls them) and insisted we get in his bike and watch them work. Thank you Mr. scooper workers for stopping for lunch so I only had to endure 30 minutes of your loud tractors! I captured some of Davis' fun watching the big machines. Not many face shots, because D would not take his eyes off of them.

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