Saturday, March 5, 2011


So recently one of my girlfriends has gotten me into ZUMBA. The craze has continued with me in Milan and I really enjoy it. Now I get my best workout doing something with high intensity, but Zumba brings something new to the workout realm and it's starting to grow on me. We joined the YMCA here and I have been going diligently trying to get back in shape and trying to get Davis use to being without mommy! Today he opted out for going to the kid class (I gave him an option!) and decided to go dance with mommy. the class is 100% ladies, so they all fell in the love with him. He would hold my finger and move to the music, watch the girls ZUMBA belts move, and play ball when that got to boring. At one point I couldn't see him (we were in a basketball gym) and I was looking around and saw him with another boy about 10 years old. I laughed out loud when I found them, because they were each sitting on top of their basketballs and the older boy was talking to Davis about the rules of basketball. SO Cute! Davis was listening and smiling as the little boy was explaining and it melted my heart. As soon as they saw me watching them they both got up and immediately started shooting their basketballs. Just a sweet little moment for this momma!

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