Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekend with the Poston's & a surprise visit from Bubba

First a disclaimer: I am so over this blog. I am tired, no sick and tired of making the pictures stay where they are suppose too. Not sure what is going on, but just not in the mood to clean it up.
Okay now that I have disclosed that I can get on with my post. We have a had an AMAZING saturday. We spent the first hours looking at houses then we headed to Jackson to visit with the family. It is Laura's birthday today so we also had some celebrating to do. We started the family time with some bowling. The loser was suppose to act like a turkey all the way across the bowling, but somehow she was busy when the game was over...MIA! Then we headed to grab some lunch. Bubba and I snuck away to get some park essentials and snagged a great birthday balloon for Laura. After lunch we headed to a park in Jackson and had some major outdoor FUN! WE stopped at the apartment so D could get a nap and played some games. We ended the day with pizza and cake and we all had such a good day being together. Maybe one day we will all live a little closer together so this can happen more often!

YAY! Love me some bowling!

my siblings...the best!

The original them!

Laura's score was one time..her age! HAHA! Jarrett made us bowl on lane 31 in honor of her 31st birthday!

Bubba loving on D.

The man of my dreams!

warming up...

Bubba fixin to show mia who is boss!

Happy birthday Laura!

Poor Bubba! The time change is rough on a man!

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