Monday, March 14, 2011

Davis says the darnest things...

Oh my, well you have all heard the stories of where kiddos speak there mind and parents usually find themselves embarrassed, laughing or fill in the blank. Last night Walker and I experienced our first and this afternoon our second encounter with Davis and his words! I am sure these are only the beginning, but wow!
So last night we were sitting about three rows from the front of the church building, waiting for worship to begin and a man walks across the front row. Surprisingly he looks very similar to a certain man that comes to see the good kiddos in December, you guessed it...SANTA! He was covered in a white hair on top of his head and yes all over his face. Well, Davis immediately saw him and couldn't resist calling out HoHoHo. Walker and I just looked at one another and thought D would stop. NO CHANCE...he has to be acknowledged and this time was no different. He said "Mommy Hohoho" I just smiled and so he looked at his daddy and said "Daddy HOHOHO." Walker attempted to tell him no that is not Santa and to be quiet and Davis insisted that he was HOhoho, so we changed our direction and just told him Santa worshipped too and he was sitting with his wife and we needed to let him listen, sing and pray. It worked, WHEW! He turned back around (of course he stood in the pew staring at the poor man, until we convinced him to turn around)and went on about his church routine. A similar instance happened to one of our buddies in L-ville just last week, he must have decided to head a little farther south! HA!
Today we were riding with our realtor, our new best friend since we have been spending lots of time with him, and Davis was just talking and pointing out things he was seeing outside. He stopped talking about trucks for a moment and looked at me and said "baby in belly," I said "No baby there is no baby in my belly." Of course my realtor completely stopped when he said this and said, is this why you have been in such a hurry to find a house? Ha I laughed and said no this is completely my personanity baby in the belly or not this is me! Davis, of course, was convinced I had a baby in my belly and continued saying it until we found a cool truck outside the car. WOw, that boy is one mess!

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