Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What would Davis say (continued)

Davis cracks me up these days with his 23 month mind and wanted to share some of his newest sayings:
I walked into the childcare where I pick Davis up after leaving aerobics and he says "Mommy shirt on! Mommy shirt on!" I was wearing a tank without my sweatshirt, is this my hint my child likes his momma covered up (modest) or do I need to loose some weight? HAHA! The next time I go get him I will definitely put my sweatshirt on first!
Davis LOVES trucks/transportation and he is now into putting men into the trucks while he is playing. Today I was playing trucks with him and he said "momma man" and showed me one of his men. I asked him what the mans name was and he said "ay" I said what, say it again he again said "ay". I said baby momma doesn't understand he said "Pops, Mama." My dad, POPS, name is Ray! What a smart boy! Not sure we ever even taught him that!
In connection with the last remark we passed a truck on the road and Davis said "Momma truck, big!" I replied yes and I began asking him about the man driving the truck. Davis stated the man's name was "ay" (ray) and I continued asking him more questions like what his the man's wives name and he plainly state "ue" (sue). My mamma's name is sue, aka mia, muh!
Davis and I were on one of our daily walks/jogs and Davis spotted a "stinky" (garbage truck). I asked him if he wanted momma to catch the stinky truck to which he replied yes. We started heading towards the truck and Davis begins yelling "stinky diapers where are you!"
We are in a new town, a new house, with new people and new routines. EVERYTHING is NEW and Davis has done relatively well until the last week. He does not want his momma to be out of his sight. So now instead of just laying in his bed and going right to sleep (I know we are spoiled, but it took some training on his part!) he will scream out "no bed. yes mommy daddy bed. no no bed!" Poor guy wants his momma 24/7! How sweet, but at the same time VERY exhausting!
Love, love listening to what my sweet boy comes up with these days. Never a dull moment in this house!

1 comment:

  1. Such a smartie! He is too cute. Thanks for sharing what Davis says! By the way... everytime Cole sees me on the computer he says "More Dadis!" And will not quit until I pull up your blog to show him pictures and videos! We love you guys!
