Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Terrifically TWO...ALMOST!

Do you love it? The scooper two shirt. Well, we LOVE it and Davis had to wear it before his party! He thinks it is the best birthday shirt EVER, not only because it has a two on it, but because it is done out of scooper fabric! He already tells everyone he is two. So he is more than ready to be the big TWO, but his momma on the other hand is not so ready!

Some videos of my precious boy!

Davis is finally playing by himself more. I am videoing him from the living room. There is some tv noise, but check out his truck talk!

Davis had to wear these scooper pjs to match his new scooper that Mimi gave him. He also made a scooper dance-sorry I get a little loud and excited!

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