Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crazy L-ville days

Where to begin...Well we left Milan Thursday evening and headed straight to L-ville. Friday am WAlker, Nick and Dad headed to get the moving trucks while me, Davis and Laura headed to the pediatrician. Davis ended up with another ear infection (actually the same one we've had for 2 months) and then found out his left tube is in his ear canal and we need to see another ENT asap. The boys came home with a story too...they only had one of the two trucks we needed. After working some magic Walker came home with another truck. Whew! We spent the next 4 hours packing the two trucks very carefully so that we could get all of our stuff not only back to Milan but in one piece. Not a fun task. Laura was wonderful, she kept Davis occupied so the rest of us could pack, pack pack! My fabulous neighbor came over and she helped tackle the task too! We got most of the stuff in the trucks along with packing my truck and dad's truck to the brim and we headed to grab a bite to eat. I made a quick stop at the drug store to get D's antibiotic and it was only, wait for it...400! Luckily my awesome insurance and coupon covered all but 25 dollars of it! Again, WHEW! The moving truck crew headed south and the rest of us headed to Indiana. The following 6 days flew by and we had a lovely time. Pops and Davis enjoying a coke icee....notice all the blue straws!

Bath time at mia's house is so much more fun! Davis turned on the charm at mia's until...he squirted her with his frog toy. He thought he was so funny!

Mia made Davis a scooper 2 shirt..he had to wear it! They also made the cutest cookies. Think they had fun?

Davis' sweet L-ville buddies got together for some Davis time. He sure does miss all his friends!

Sweet boy took a fantastic nap on our trip home, mommy was so jealous!
We're home! Davis wanted and missed his daddy so much. Enjoying a sucker together!

Davis is a splishing and a splashing. (more splashing than splishing)

We ended the week with sweet baby Charlotte's heart surgery. She did amazing and handled it like a champ. Wish us adults could say the same. It was so hard seeing my cousin so upset, she is like my sister, and seeing her hurt broke my heart. Praying for a speedy recovery and people to wrap their arms around Erin, Dave and their parents through the following days ahead! Hug those you love! We love you baby C! Davis was very concerned about her today. He spent the day saying "baby Charlotte (yes he calls her charlotte now!) sick. " He thought he needed to see her so bad, but momma thought it was best to just love on his frannie and uncle dave. I think they appreciate his love!

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