Thursday, March 17, 2011

You want a what...DOG?

So if you know me well, you know I am not much on animals. I tolerate them, just not high on my priority lists! Davis on the otherhand has a much different idea:
I told Davis this am that we were going to Trenton to get new TN drivers license. To which he responds "new puppy!" Not sure where this came from, BUT... I said Davis you want a new puppy? He said YES! I said well do you know how to take care of a puppy? He replied "YES!" I said oh well what do puppies do and he said sleep. I said yes they sleep but what else. He said eat. I said yes they do what will you feed your puppy? He said NUTS! Oh you are gonna feed your puppy nuts. He said yes and cereal. Hmmm I said I bet your puppy will love that. Then I asked him what about bathing puppy. He said Davis. I said Oh so you will take a bath with puppy he said YES and daddy. I said oh so daddy is gonna bathe you and the puppy? He said yes. I said where will he sleep. He said davis bed. HMMMMM!
This convo continued as WAlker picked us up...I retold the convo to WAlker and Davis added in that he wanted his puppy to sleep outside and he would sleep outside with him. He also has named his puppy doctor, which cracks me up since he HATES the doctor! He also has decided he wants a big black puppy! Oh the things they say! We will see if this one comes true or not!

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