Thursday, June 14, 2012

Davis and Emmy

My days are spent with two of the most precious children. Sometime I am not always the sweetest mommy, due to lack of sleep, but I am sure trying! They are wonderful and complete my life in so many ways. Nothing I would rather be doing on no money could make me leave them!  Davis still cracks me up and Emerson is my little snuggle bunny! I love you babies!

june 004june 005my babes

june 006june 007cute outfit from lala

june 008june 009june 010june 011

Love the photo shoots with my kiddos..check out all the faces from both of them..hmm wonder what they are thinking!

june 012Davis tells her about EVERYTHING…poor girl!

june 013june 014sissy floor time

june 015june 016june 017this little man is a MESS

june 018He sure does love his sister!

Davis says the craziest things…

His new things….

He loves to say mommy you tell me something silly. A truck on a house, who ever heard of that. HAHAHA!

When I asked him to stop asking questions and let me push them up a very steep hill in our neighborhood, he looked back at me and said mommy, I think I can I think I can. When I made it to the top he said, I though I could I thought I could! HA!

He loves telling people that he will be pushing Emerson down the island in lala and rob’s wedding!

When he calls one of us he will say, hey diddle diddle are you coming? This kid loves his nursery rhymes!

This morning while I was nursing Emmy he got my pump out and said mommy where is my booby. He pretended to pump and said, Wow, mommy look at all that milk!”

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