Sunday, June 3, 2012

Month ONE

We celebrated month one with giving Emerson  her first bottle with mommy’s milk and her daddy. She loved it! She took it like a champ, kind of made me sad, but so exciting for allowing me to get out! Even Davis helped out…

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june 021

june 027 june 024little snuggler…


june 025june 026 Daddy is such a snuggle bug, even with two kiddos!

Posing for her one month photo shoot with momma! You have to love all the different faces…


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june 036june 037june 038june 039june 040Isn't’ she so big…

june 041june 042june 043june 044june 045june 046june 048Davis crawled in the bed with Emerson to get in the photo shoot. No need for a stuffed animal to compare her too, we got her big brother! Love all her faces at him!

june 051june 047june 049Look at those sweet faces!

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Posing with Emerson on her one month birthday!

Emerson is growing so much and is such a great and sweet baby. She sleeps like a champ, eats like a big girl, and is overall a happy baby! She saves most of her smiles for her momma while she eats, and her daddy for their chats! She is very easy going and has made it six hours at night without momma’s milk! Woohoo! Awesome thing, yet very painful thing! HA! She is going to be just like her daddy (good thing since D is just like his momma), laid back without a car in the world! I could not be any prouder of her and how her big brother loves her. I mean to say he adores her is an understatement. He kisses and hugs her every chance he gets and cannot wait till she gets teeth(so he can feed her!), and is able to play with him, sleep with him and just be able to get out and about with him!

taking her first bottle from her daddy

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