Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We got together with some of our buddies and had a great water filled time. We met these buddies at the gym and sadly one family has since moved 45 minutes away but we managed to squeeze in a visit with them when they were in town. We had a huge water slide but there were too many holes in it so we ended up on these slip n slides…who cares as long as it involves water!

june 020the boys

june 021june 022june 023the whole gang

june 024june 025

june 026june 027june 028june 029

june 030

june 031june 032lunch time…yummy, pizza!


We have also spent many afternoons swimming at our neighbors. She is so sweet to let us come whenever and it is so convenient for this new momma of two! Davis is such a fish and loves the water. He loves jumping in and jumping off the diving board!

june 041he was everywhere, could only get a back view…ha!

june 042Emerson loves to lay out and enjoy the view!

swimming at Mrs. Glenda's


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