Thursday, June 28, 2012

Davis the associate…let me explain

We have always known Davis was a smarty pants and have enjoyed laughing at all his silly statements and questions, but we especially love his associations. He puts things together like no other child I’ve ever seen. He does so after just one experience with them and it is actually quite entertaining and very intelligent for a little man of only three years! Let me show you what I’m talking about…

*While at his aunt Laura’s house he saw a plate with UK on it and he turned to my dad who is a major UK fan and said look Pops it is a KY plate.

*He examines every bottle, can, etc to see where it can from (Target, Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc.) and will tell me every time he uses it where it came from.

*He saw Tomater with a feather on his hat in a picture and he said look mom its tomater with a feather in his hat and he calls in Macaroni!

*Davis loves to tell people his sissy has a big head and chubby cheeks. One day I said D she has a big head cause her brain is so big and he looked at me and said momma not like the scarecrow on wizard of oz who doesn’t have a brain.

*We were leaving the pool and I said Davis come on it’s time to go and he said “go home sweet home, mom?”

*after lane and rob got married Davis looked at me and asked when he was going to get to go on his honeymoon?

Just  funny…

*I asked him one morning if he was feeling better and he said, I feel a little better and a little snotty, I’m not sure what is going on with me!

*He was staying at his aunt Laura's and he looked at her wedding picture and said, “Laura why did you marry two nick’s? He’s a twin and there was a picture with him and his brother in it! HA!

*While driving the other day Davis told me he knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. “I want to work at the church momma! You can work there with me and Emerson and Daddy!” Ok bud sounds good what will we all do…”You will teach, I will sing and daddy will preach.” What about emmy? “I not know about her yet!”

Still thoughtful…

*When telling his Mia about a wreck we saw he said and Mia I just hope everyone is alright!

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