Wednesday, June 6, 2012

who knew

Who knew I would have the best hubby for God obviously knew what he was doing…I am so very blessed! Walker is the perfect daddy and hubby, and I am reminded of that everyday! I mean who comes home everyday during his lunch to play and entertain his children so mommy can have a mini break and enjoy watching her babies interact with their daddy? Walker does! He is my super hero and I love him with all my heart. My kiddos are so lucky!

june 012june 013[4] Daddy getting Emerson to smile…priceless

I also have a pretty amazing brother…he sent D this card with money so he could cool off in the sun with ice-cream…so sweet! We love you bub and steph!

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Look at my little mover and shaker while sleeping…what a beauty!


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mommy went shopping…look at my hat and glasses…haha!

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learning how to wear the moby…thanks erin and emily!

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