Monday, June 18, 2012

going to the chapel and LALA and Rob are gonna get married…

Friday all the festivities began and we were bond for Dyersburg. WE decided to stay over night in Dyersburg due to all the wedding plans and boy am I glad we did. We also brought my mom in to help us with the kiddos. Another perfect idea..thanks mom for everything, we would not have made it with out you. I’m pretty sure you were used a lot for the wedding and they appreciated that as well. So thankful to have a wonderful mommy!

Davis was so pumped about he wedding and all week he kept asking if it was wedding day yet. He thought it was pretty funny we had to have a practice or in his mind a pretend wedding the day before. (rehearsal) He kept telling everyone he was going to dance with the girl he walked down the island with…my sweet boy ditched me for a girl he had never even met…uh oh! He was smitten and spent all the time he could with miss Emma!

wedding 001wedding 002wedding 003wedding 004wedding 005Davis and Emma made quite a pair. They were by each others side as soon as they met. Pretty sure it was love at first sight for Davis! They were too cute imagining Emmy was in the carriage during the rehearsal. They would lean over and say shhh baby, or she needs to potty or she really needs a toy…oh the joys of an imagination!


wedding 007wedding 008Oh. My. I would like to eat him up!

wedding 009wedding 010Our sweet Emmy slept through the entire rehearsal! YAY!

wedding 011wedding 012Me and the love of my life! Hard to believe it has been 8 plus years!

wedding 013wedding 014The carriage pusher and his parents!!! Notice he couldn't look at the camera, because he was too busy looking at Emma! OH brother!

wedding 015Being silly!

wedding 016wedding 017the sweet girl in the carriage and her parents!

wedding 022wedding 023wedding 025 Weren’t we an amazing bunch!

wedding 027Checking on his pretend baby!

The BIG Day! June 16, 2012 is finally here and we are ready to watch Lala and Rob make a big commitment to each other and God. We are so excited. So very excited that this is all the pictures I got from the entire day. This was one sad picture loving momma. I guess I got caught up in the moment of the wedding, and having two children in the ceremony that I got pretty much no pictures. I hope some people got some and I will get copies soon, but for now we have to do with what we have and well this is it! So sorry!

wedding 028wedding 029 Me and my sweet girl, seriously you can’t get a better baby than this one!

wedding 030wedding 031wedding 032 

My babies and me. Love my sweet babies that God ahs entrusted Walker and I with!

wedding 033wedding 034

Pawpaw and his grandchildren, I know a Meme that will be very say I didn’t get any with her and the babes! Aren’t they sweet?

Now for the show…Featuring Davis and Emma…may the laughing begin..(fyi my mom was working my camera for me so some of the footage may be sideways, she didn't’;t know you could not turn the camera!)





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