Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Story hour…Safari jungle style


We went to our first story hour since Emerson was born and they both did great. The summer program is awesome, and very packed but Davis loved seeing the safari animals and has talked about it all day. Emerson never made a peep despite the loudness of the program…whew, am I lucky! We had just seen a snake yesterday so D was on his toes when they brought the snake out and he decided the tortoise was his favorite animal! He is counting the days till the firefighters come and he gets to squirt the fire hose…So far he has read or listen to 30 books and he is loving the prizes when he finishes the books for the program. So glad our little town has such an amazing library!

june 033june 034june 035

june 036Emerson really loved it!

june 037the safari man

june 038soooo many people

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