Sunday, June 10, 2012

NICU Date and BATH time

We finally met up with some buddies we had in the NICU and they even had a little boy that was Davis age! We all had so much fun dressing up, playing trucks, and chatting! Davis sure did love this horse and the girls were content just laying around..ha!

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They decided the horse was the fire horse and we played fire engines and fighters!

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sweet buddies!

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Look at these sweet girls! My Emmy looks so big next to these little ones! Gotta love the babies, big and small! We sure do make them big!

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Even Aunt Laura came to join in on the fun!

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june 018My sweet baby girl!

june 019Bubba with his daily does of sissy!

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Davis said we hadn’t taken bath pictures in a while so we took some tonight. Love me some bathtub babies! Hmmm, so clean and sweet!

riding the horse with hagan


bath time!

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