Friday, June 22, 2012

Emerson’s faces..

I have always loved taking pictures of my babies and I love capturing their sweet smiles. This post is a lot of that so, if you don’t like baby faces you might not like this post! For those of you that do…enjoy!


He loves to baby sit while I get ready or do whatever!!

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Can you smile Emerson…ohhh the many faces of Emerson Oneita!

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She loves to pull on the ribbon on her mirror while I change her…..she also loves to tell me all about her day…

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Is she gonna do it…She immediately removes her smile when that black thing gets in her vision….my little man loves it though!

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I tried to trick her and got her smile from the side…

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STORY HOUR…with magic

Emerson slept while Davis took in the magic tricks. Can you see him in the blue baseball hat. He sat with his buddies Barton and Blair!

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Davis got his first snotty nose since Emmy was born and he spent some get better time with his daddy..he said mommy I’m a little bit snotty and a little bit better, I don’t know what’s going on with me!”

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Meme and Pawpaw came over for a visit and look what this sweet girl did…amidst all the excitement she ended up in dream land…

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Don’t you just love new boxers, this kid sure does….wouldn’t even stay still for a picture!

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