Monday, February 28, 2011

23 months old and counting...

Nope, I refuse to believe it. I am dumbfounded that my little one will be 2 years old in 31 days. There is just NO WAY! Right, WRONG! He is growing so fast and changing so much I am just in complete denial that two years have almost came and went since my little Davis Walker was born into our lives. Life sure has changed since his arrival, we have so much more fun! His newest thing is telling us that things are neat. Lately if he likes something well then it is definitely neat! I asked him this am if he thought a house we were looking at was neat and he said "no pretty!" He totally keeps me on my toes.
Not a whole lot has changed since his 22 month post except that he is a complete jabber box, chatty Kathy or whatever you like to call someone who is constantly talking. haha, he gets it honest! He will even talk to his trucks, blankies, and books if we won't listen! His latest conversation that I overheard with his trucks consisted of the truck going to the md because he was sick. He told him not to cry and it was neat! (of course)
Davis still loves playing with his trucks, singing songs, playing with his two boys babies, coloring or doing any crafty activity, playing outside,or watching you tubes. He knows all of his colors, shapes and can even spot the letters s, a, o and i. He is a master pro at using the Ipad and thinks he is the only one that can use it correctly. Davis loves his buddies and family and lights up when he is around them. He loves attention and takes great pride in scaring people with his roar! (thanks daddy!) He is a mommies boy through and through, but knows how to have a good time with his daddy. He would never get tired of talking, singing, drawing or watching trucks/any mode of transportation and he is amused by watching trucks getting stuck in the mud! He loves to entertain and will do about anything to get a smile out of you. All he needs is a look from his momma when he is misbehaving and he usually corrects what he has done or was doing wrong. He is tender hearted and wants to make sure everyone gets a bite, turn, or shares whatever he is doing. When he sleeps with a person (does this when he is sick and been sickly lately) he wants to curl in there arms and be right next to them at all times. He loves to drink his juice and milk and likes eating his 5 favorite things. (exaggerating a little!)
Davis Walker Dow Wellington is 23 months old! One more month and he'll be two! He tells every one that he is gonna be two; however, this am at the grocery he told the checkout girl he was six and held up five fingers! He then told her bus, you think he wants to be older so he can go to school and ride a bus, or what?

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