Saturday, February 2, 2013

Davis Walker…what a little man


Not sure if you know or not, but I may have a prophet on my hands! This little guy has not only told us we were pregnant and that it was a girl (with Emmy), but has now told 5 different ladies what they were having and been RIGHT! There are still about 3 or 4 more to go..but so far he has called them since they told us they were pregnant and not missed a beat! After the last one told us Friday that he was right he looked at me and said “Mom I am good! I’m right again!” Obviously I am most excited about my sisters upcoming announcement late in February to which he says she is having a boy , so we shall see! I am just ecstatic to finally get to spoil another baby and then send it home to his mommy and daddy! oh, yeah and I’m ready to hear aunt Liz!!! (wiz, yiz, yizzie or whatever way it comes out!)

My mom reminded me the other day that my nonny, whom was the head of ob. for years and years used to do the same thing. Mom says she vividly remembers ladies coming over to their house when she was growing up only to lay on their couch while nana told them what they were having…hmm, something to think about! She was the one whom I was the closest too, the one who brings me to tears when I think about how much I miss her, the one who I would LOVE to show my precious babies to and the one with whom I made the most memories! If this is her way of allowing me to feel and remember her, I’ll take it! Nonny, I miss you so much, I miss the smell of gum in your purse, our sweet conversations on life, the way you took care of everyone around you, “our secrets”, and how you would do just about anything to make us smile!

This little man, prophet or not, along with his sister and their daddy is my world and I couldn’t be prouder to call them mine!

God, thank you for memories! I am so jealous of others who still have their grandparents and truly wish I had more time with mine, but I know they are with you and watching over me! I love getting to see glimpses of those whom I miss the most in my sweet children! Allow me to keep their memory alive. Help me to never forget the life lessons all my sweet grandparents taught me and pass them on to my babies. Thank you!

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