Sunday, February 3, 2013

Emerson onieta is growing…9 months

Emerson you are nine months old and too sweet for words!

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Your brother is still your biggest fan!

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Taking pictures is getting more and more difficult!!!

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Emerson is so BIG!

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She sure loves her reading to just choose a book..

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found one…

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Ohh, the faces…Emerson overload..sorry, can’t delete them, I’m partial! (excuse the runny nose in most of them..she is SICK!)


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pictures with the infamous fire fighter..

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he is just Davis now!

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Sweet momma loving with her babies!

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these two are just precious!

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You are eating anything and everything you can get your mouth on…except for the last week or so..since you have had a double ear infection! You love to feed yourself and you especially love to eat what we are eating!

You sleep like a champ! You take two naps a day about two hours a piece. You sleep from 7 or so at night to 7 in the morning. You sleep with a fire engine pillow, which you love, and you start out swaddled in your blanket!

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You LOVE your pacifier, especially since you still have NO teeth! You are starting to get your left bottom one and you are using it to really help that tooth come in! You are not partial to any one pacifier and if you cant find one you just use your thumb..sweet child!

You love baths with your brother, dancing to music, reading books (especially ones with flaps!), people watching (you can stare down ANYONE), animals, your table that sings and lights up, your brothers trucks and his room, especially his striped chair! You are one fast crawler and walker with your “walker”, you have broken two items this month, you know what “no mam” means, but don’t always listen! You love saying dada and buba. You can entertain yourself but will gladly play with others and you are just pleasant to be around! You will raise your arms when I ask you how big is Emerson, you are playing peek a boo, and you absolutely love your bothers fire engine pillow that you sleep with and cuddle every night and nap! You will imitate sounds and faces that we make at you and we all enjoy hearing your precious voice!

I hope I never forget the way you hug my neck when I get you out of bed, the way you cross your legs when you nurse, the sweet way you lean towards me to kiss or rub noses, the way your face lights up when you see your daddy, and just your sweet spirit!

You still love your brother to pieces, but you have started letting him know when enough is enough by pulling his hair or just fussing at him! You want to play whatever he is playing and in general just want to be in his presence!

Some comparison shots of Davis and Emerson at nine months…She definitely has more hair, he definitely gives out smiles more freely!

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