Tuesday, February 12, 2013

doesn’t come any sweeter than this

Davis left Saturday afternoon to spend some time with my parents in Kentucky! To say we’ve missed him, would be an understatement! Before he left he gave some love to Jill baby, and signed up for t-ball! He and his daddy are so excited to start playing ball together..Walker is suppose to be  his coach! He took him to the field and explained home plate, first, second and third…oh the memories we will be making!

Emmy, aka grandma, and her walker!

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Happy valentines Jill baby!

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Some of the sweet pictures I’ve received since Davis has been gone to Mia and Pops house…


Seriously cannot wait to get my hands on this little man tomorrow!

God bless Davis’ visit with Mia and Pops and keep us safe as we travel and meet halfway tomorrow to pick up our little imagination man!

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