Sunday, February 24, 2013

Training up a little guy…

I got this book from my MIL some time ago and have been waiting for the right time to start it with Davis..well, we did this week and what a fun thing to do with my little man! It has several different characteristics to focus on when raising boys (from the Bible and other things) and this weeks was training up a little guy to be attentive. Of course, I already thought Davis is super attentive but this week showed me he really is…The book encourage me to help him concentrate a little longer on something when playing, guide him to clean up a mess he’d rather run away from, and ask questions about things going on around him! I really wanted to encourage him to make his own unique mark on the world…this week definitely was FUN!

feb..revealing 001feb..revealing 002 We did things like play games and make new rules, question why there needed to be rules, clean up what we were doing before we went to something else, look outside and pretend what we saw (in the clouds, woods, etc.), talk about god and Bible stories and why we have them…stuff we normally do but just a little longer than usual! He sure can think up, ask and imagine some pretty awesome things. I hope he continues to get more and more attentive, sure is a great quality!

I must tell you these two are just too sweet for words together..when she starts walking she will totally be able to do whatever he does..she hangs with him pretty well now with crawling!

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Daddies sure do make the days brighter, if these pictures don’t prove it not sure what will….they LOVE their daddy time!

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Funny Davis quotes…

We were listening to a cd where my cousin was singing a solo with her praise team and the part she was singing was “I know that my redeemer lives” and Davis said mommy why is Frannie singing about you…I know my redeemer Liz! HA! Walker thought it sounded like a wrestler name…redeemer LIZ!

We were discussing Hannah from Bible class and I asked Davis what Samuel was since he could hear Gods voice and talk to him and I said it starts with a P..he said a pig! HA! Starts with a p, but no he is a prophet!

Davis to this day claims he will marry his sissy…..He says mom do you get married first and then go to school and gave babies or what comes first? Oh my! SO I explained that in the best three year old version I could then he said well Emmy will stay home with all of our babies, like you! He then went on to say he wanted four babies, if it was alright with Emmy…he said he would ask her later! HA! Then he said (we just went to my sister reveal party, so I’m guessing this is where this came from) when we have a baby if you think it’s a boy you will wear boots, if it’s a girl you will need to wear a dress! This boy is eaten up!!

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