Wednesday, February 13, 2013


First I must say…HE LOVES ME… Yes, I got some yummy chocolate dipped strawberries and he (walker) even ate one with me..if you know him, you know how big of a deal this is!

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Davis was beyond excited to see his sissy! He could not believe it..he was finally getting to see her after his visit with Mia and Pops…These are when we got home..he was still so very happy! I had to post the first one..she is looking at him like…what's the big deal dude?

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Waiting for daddy, after our long day in the car…

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he is home…so glad to see his best buddy!

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Emmy wasn’t sure what to think about daddy’s glasses!

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See…she cannot take her eyes off them…

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Davis seriously ran around the house like a crazy man, playing with all this toys and making sure everything was just as he had left it. He was too sweet, he came home with valentine gifts from Mia and Pops so he took his gift bag and gathered up random things and gave them to us…he was so proud, it was hard not to be ill that I was going to have to put everything back where it belonged! HA! Love his sweet giving spirit! May he always be that way!

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