Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Emerson is 9 months (continued)


We were suppose to go to Emmy’s 9 month checkup last week, but we changed it to this week since the pediatrician also wanted to recheck her ears after her ear infection. Praise Jesus it was GONE! And our little beauty weighed in at a whopping 20.4 lbs.  which is 75% (she weighs more than 75 percent more girls her age!) and her height was 28 1/2 which is  90% (she is 90 percent taller than girls her age!) and not sure what her head circumference was but it is in the 97%. (that’s why all her headbands leave marks…ha!) I like to keep up with where Davis was at this age (remember he only gained 1 oz. from 6 to 9 months due to all his ear trouble..!) He weighed 21 lbs. and was 29 inches long. She was definitely more into this visit than she has been in the past..she kept looking at the doctor like what do you think you are going to do, and when he tried listening to her with the stethoscope she would attempt to pull it off! He was impressed with all her developments and he thinks she is doing quite marvelous! She showed him all her tricks…how to stand, crawl, say dada, wave bye, bye, say bye bye, say bubba, say yay, and show him how big she is…such a smart girl!

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I sure do love all her many faces…especially her sweet smile! Our next visit is after her one year birthday..because we are celebrating in style…the only way to celebrate…in FLORIDA!

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