Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines DAY

Ok, so I am officially on the FB diet so hopefully I will stay more caught up on my blogging and spending less of my time on FB…giving it up was actually a little difficult..never knew how much I got on there, but so long, until March 30th or so!


On to much more exciting things..VALENTINES DAY! Our love children were so excited to wake up and see that love day was officially here. Davis and Emmy both got sweet Valentines from one another and from mommy and daddy and a doctor kit along with Peter Pan (our Vday entertainment tonight!) They were so cute listening to Walker read the love notes..they especially like their fun love presents!

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Sweet hugs and love from our loving babies!

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Dr. Davis was ready to get to work early this morning…please ignore his boxers..I guess this doctor doesn’t believe in pants!

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Sister, otherwise known as nurse x-ray, had a blast checking out all the sick patients too!

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This was during an intense moment in surgery!

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Daddy came home for lunch, and needed to get checked out by the doctors..hah! Poor guy got surgery and a round of shots on his break! He had the best care around!

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After our patient left and we put Davis to bed we did girly things, like read in our new chair!

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