Friday, December 31, 2010

21 months

First off I have to start by saying Happy birthday momma! Davis not only turns 21 months today, but it is also your special day! Wow! Not even sure if I believe it has been 21 months since my baby was born, but it's reality so I guess I start believing it sooner or later. Davis Walker in only 3 short months you will turn 2!!! I pray this year will be even more blessed than last year and that you will continue to grow and learn and love others. Not sure there is any way possible to list all the things you are doing these days, so I will just pick a few!

You are still a different eater, but you are a much more consistent one now. You love chicken nuggets, pizza, corn, yogurt, pudding, poptarts, pancakes, candy, popcorn shrimp, ziti, and bread. You love to sit in your chair and you love to dip! You are also a great helped in the kitchen. Placing cookies on a cookie sheet, or stiring are your top favorites!

You are still the sweetest kid around. You love to hug and kiss and I know I am biased but your hugs are out of this world! You are just a geniune sweet kid. When someone cries or is sick you always hug or kiss them to try and make them all better. I even got a get well card when I was sick. Daddy told you my belly was hurt and you leaned down and kissed it for me! You love babies and have your very own. You feed him bottles and rock him like you are already a daddy! Sometimes you crawl around and say baby, as if to say you are still a baby! When I ask whose baby you are you say momma! You love to show people how much you love them (you stick out your hands really wide) and you make sure and say everyones name (you hate to leave anyone out!). Today you were going through our usual list and you were mad cause I forgot rob. You kept saying ob, ob!!

You are talking so much. You pretty much say anything you want and you repeat what we say constantly. You began signing and making up Davis words so early that it was hard for you to stop signing/saying those words but you got it now. Thank you and Love you are two of my aboslute favorites. Oh and little bit is stinking adorable! I can already tell you are gonna be a why kid. You want to know everything and sometimes well most times more than once! You are somewhat more quite around people you don't know ( a daddy trait for sure) and you talk constantly at home. I have told you Davis stop talking and just do it, several times!!! (much like your momma)

You are such a smart boy! We introduced the potty at 18 months and you went the first two times without and hassle. We reintroduced it to you recently and you love it. You have been peeing on the potty for almost a month now (only at night) and you love eating m&ms and singing about pee! It is essential that someone else pees with you and you love the attention you get when you push out your own peepee.

You are a strong independant little boy. You fall, you get hurt, you don't really cry, or if you do it is quick and then your done. You are all boy and love to make messes and play with trucks. You crave attention and love being with people. You are a ham and also enjoy making others laugh and once you get them laughing you want to keep them laughing. You love your buddies and love thier mommas too! You are always up for getting out with momma and love to ride in the car (well sometimes!!). YOu are a hand holder and I adore that about you. Daddy has taught you to squeeze three times (meaning I love you) when you hold hands and it brightens my day when you do it independantly! (an Uncle thing!)

Davis you keep me busy and I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. We have tons of fun togather and I cannot wait to spend even more time with you. Watching you grow is so fascinating and I am proud to be your momma! I love you so much!

Driving my new jeep! He can steer fairly well too!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas was so much fun this year. Davis loved opening presents so much he wanted to open everyones gifts! He got so tired of opening he left 6 presents upwrapped!!! He loved playing in all the mess and he adored all the attention. He is so spoiled with people who love him and I hope he always knows how incredibly blessed he truly is. Adding extra kids to the family is gonna rock his world!! He got tons of cars/trucks and lots of other things but I think his favorite thing was having so many people to love on. He gives the best hugs and kisses around and everyone wanted their fair share!

All ready for Davis to wake up!!

Wonder what Santa brought this year...

Coming down the stairs to see what santa left him (please excuse the bed head on them!!)

Loving his new jeep!

Papaw, aka SANTA!!!

new hats!!!

Davis admiring the beautiful new ring on lala's finger!

Lala asked mommy to be her maid of honor!! So honored!!

I got all these presents and really only wanted a box to play in!

or a big bag!!!

Thanks lala and Rob for my new race track!

Daddy and Davis mug, from Davis!

new farm boots!

I love it mom!

wow! cool stocking stuffers!

The finger saga...

So I was cleaning up Christmas day and me and the electric knife decided to go at it. He won! Poor me! It hurt lots, so glad my momma nurse was there!

This was my finger cot (aka condom) so that I could wash my hands, play in the snow, etc.

My mom showing me how to wear the finger cot! haha

I cried! It hurt! BAD!

Fingers are vascular, they bleed and they bleed LOTS!

We had a white Christmas this year and had to go out and enjoy all that white fluffy stuff! Thanks Bubba for playing with me and my momma!

Santa came to my house!

My jeep!

Science Center with Mia, Pops & Bubba

We decided to take a trip to the Science Center today and I'm pretty sure we all had a GREAT time. Davis had a blast playing and the rest of us enjoyed the exhibits and watching D run and smile! We love some family time and memories. My little boy is growing up right in front of me and it makes me so sad and happy all at the same time. Sad because I want him to be little forever and happy because he is growing and maturing the way he should!

mommy and d in the cave
studying the bug collection

make it go pops!

Look at that rhino!

posing by mr rhino...davis was his fan!

looking out below with bubba!

shooting candy. Davis and bub praticed thier boy skills by shooting candy into pans on the other side of the room! haha!

Now I know why mom talks on the phone so much, it is so FUN!

hmm, what's next?

my favorite bubba

scanning mia and pops!

look at that face, can you say SWEET?

sliding with my truck!

Davis looking at the bugs at the bug table.

Look Mia a skunk!

I love this picture. We are on the steps of Seasame Street!

Mia and D looking into a mirror!

D loves him some Mia! (aka Muh!)