Thursday, December 30, 2010

Science Center with Mia, Pops & Bubba

We decided to take a trip to the Science Center today and I'm pretty sure we all had a GREAT time. Davis had a blast playing and the rest of us enjoyed the exhibits and watching D run and smile! We love some family time and memories. My little boy is growing up right in front of me and it makes me so sad and happy all at the same time. Sad because I want him to be little forever and happy because he is growing and maturing the way he should!

mommy and d in the cave
studying the bug collection

make it go pops!

Look at that rhino!

posing by mr rhino...davis was his fan!

looking out below with bubba!

shooting candy. Davis and bub praticed thier boy skills by shooting candy into pans on the other side of the room! haha!

Now I know why mom talks on the phone so much, it is so FUN!

hmm, what's next?

my favorite bubba

scanning mia and pops!

look at that face, can you say SWEET?

sliding with my truck!

Davis looking at the bugs at the bug table.

Look Mia a skunk!

I love this picture. We are on the steps of Seasame Street!

Mia and D looking into a mirror!

D loves him some Mia! (aka Muh!)

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