Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gracie came to play

Friday we had a little visitor named Gracie who came to play and boy did we enjoy the company! It was so much fun watching them play and learn togather. Davis is blessed to have lots of good friends who love him and enjoy his company as well. We had time to watch ELMo, slide, play with playdough, jump and eat lunch. WHat a good visit!

Mom, look at this cool girl I have beside me!!
Wow! Sliding in the basement, oh what fun!

ARe you sure we are allowed to do this? (Jumping off the table to mommy!! )

Look at all of this cool food! Wish we could REALLY eat it.

Davis loves his Gracie girl!

Gracie LOVEs some elmo!

I could not believe it, Davis actually sat and watched for like 5 minutes, before he saw me. This child does NOT watch tv, WAY too busy!!

The two of them! What an influence GRacie has on DAvis!

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