Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More crafts (yesterday and todays)

We recieved a sweet package yesterday from a friend and Davis absolutely fell in love with the box. We have been making a craft a day and I decided we must use this as our craft for the day. I just so happen to recieve a parenting magazine which had lots of cute ideas for boxes, so we decided on an AIRPLANE!!! Daddy did the creative drawing and cutting and Davis let his imagination go wild with the ride! He had so much fun pretending to be up in the sky and it occupied his attention for over an hour. This morning when we got up he put himself back in it to watch Curious George.

These are the pre airplane pics:

He stayed in the box and stamped and colored for almost 45 minutes!!!

Our craft for today, after Davis had his way with it. He liked it a little too much!

Look at my snowflake!!

You be the judge, do you think he liked it? The AIRPLANE!!!

video before

video after

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