Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow day and Craft catch-up

Davis and I decided we needed some snow time this am so we got all snow geared up and headed outside. I found some sand/beach toys and they came in real handy when playing in the snow. I love lazy days at home and am so glad today was one of them. I got some much needed mommy and Davis time with no distractions (daddy took the truck so we were stranded at home!!)

I have forgotten to post some of our recent crafts. Our spiral tree was a hit. Davis thought it was a great yo yo and had some major fun bouncing it. Then we made our family with snow at the library. You can't see the snow but the librarian assures me it is there! haha! And last we have our hand tree. Can you tell we like to draw our hands?

The last couple of pics show Davis' work of pulling all the tape off the dispenser while I was looking for some scissors. What a mess!

videos from the snow...

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