Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas was so much fun this year. Davis loved opening presents so much he wanted to open everyones gifts! He got so tired of opening he left 6 presents upwrapped!!! He loved playing in all the mess and he adored all the attention. He is so spoiled with people who love him and I hope he always knows how incredibly blessed he truly is. Adding extra kids to the family is gonna rock his world!! He got tons of cars/trucks and lots of other things but I think his favorite thing was having so many people to love on. He gives the best hugs and kisses around and everyone wanted their fair share!

All ready for Davis to wake up!!

Wonder what Santa brought this year...

Coming down the stairs to see what santa left him (please excuse the bed head on them!!)

Loving his new jeep!

Papaw, aka SANTA!!!

new hats!!!

Davis admiring the beautiful new ring on lala's finger!

Lala asked mommy to be her maid of honor!! So honored!!

I got all these presents and really only wanted a box to play in!

or a big bag!!!

Thanks lala and Rob for my new race track!

Daddy and Davis mug, from Davis!

new farm boots!

I love it mom!

wow! cool stocking stuffers!

The finger saga...

So I was cleaning up Christmas day and me and the electric knife decided to go at it. He won! Poor me! It hurt lots, so glad my momma nurse was there!

This was my finger cot (aka condom) so that I could wash my hands, play in the snow, etc.

My mom showing me how to wear the finger cot! haha

I cried! It hurt! BAD!

Fingers are vascular, they bleed and they bleed LOTS!

We had a white Christmas this year and had to go out and enjoy all that white fluffy stuff! Thanks Bubba for playing with me and my momma!

Santa came to my house!

My jeep!

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