Saturday, December 4, 2010

It snowed...enough for us to justify playing in it!!

We woke up to snow on Saturday and we decided to go play in the white stuff. WE played in it last year, but Davis did not remember it so we were excited to show him how fun white puffy stuff can be.
all bundled up and ready to go!! doesn't he look so grown up?

a little timid with the snowman

our little snowman, and davis (his arm looks like it is in D's eye!)

daddy and davis

we took like 10 of these, Davis loved hugging and cheesing for the camera!

can you say too close!

All of these laughs were due to the fact the Walker was slamming me with snow balls, no love!

Keep laughing and keep throwing snow balls, I will remember this.

Sweet smile in the snow!

Look at my snowball mom, are you scared?

more sweet smiles in the snow
Daddy is so funny whene throws big, hard snow balls at mommy!
Do it again daddy!
The professional snow ball throwers!
Look at all that snow buddy!
Davis loved driving his trucks in snow, what a boy!
Davis and Mommy. (excuse mommy's looks-she didn't get the memo about cute snow gear!)

Daddy and Davis, what a pair!

enjoying his trucks in the snow!

Videos from our snow adventure...

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