Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dinner with Santa

So I am on Mark's Feed Store Email list and I got an email about a Christmas party they were having so....here we all are enjoying some yummy barbeque and fun times with friends. The Santa was AMAZING and to top it all off his name was Murray, so naturally Murray was in heaven!!! He was so good with each child and really understood how to interact with kiddos.

here is Santa giving Max the I am on the nice list stamp!

here is Santa trying to give Davis the stamp...check out our faces!! haha

the groupie, aren't we the cutest?

one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on any kid when taking a picture with Santa!

hi santa. (check out the grip Davis has on me!)

sweet cole and erin, posing with Santa!

It's big boy Slade and Jenn. Can you believe every kid had his picture made with Santa? Very impressive. I'm telling you the Santa was AMAZING!

Favorite pic of the night! Those eyes are too revealing!

Max loves Santa!

Santa was a talker. He made sure all the kids had been sweet and checked to see what they wanted for Christmas.

This was the inside of his bag...funny!
he opened his bag and gave the kids stamps and candy canes.

Cole loved his "little" candy cane!

Davis wanted his now! Santa said after dinner, so we WAITED!

We went to the craft/cookie table after dinner. I mean have you ever seen anything so cute? These boys are the best and I love each of them so much!

look at those boys!

aren't they so big??

such sweet boys!


We had such a fun night and it was so sweet to share it with such awesome friends. We love you all and thanks for the memories!

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