Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fredrick...the elf on the shelf!

We have had so much fun with Fredrick, our elf on the shelf, this holiday season. Davis loves to read about the elves and he enjoys watching Fredrick move about his room. He cracks up when he sees him and says MOVE! It's amazing to see him understand the story and have such a cute imagination.

here's the star...FREDRICK!!

move fredrick!!!

night night! love that little sleepy man!

Oh yeah, quick update on our potty training: so we have incorporated peeing on the potty to our nightly routine and out of two weeks we have only had two nights where D could not go potty. YAY! He is loving the new potty and we are loving that he can go pee so easily! We may start adding it to our morning routine soon, who knows!! Wish us luck!

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