Thursday, December 2, 2010

remember when..

I spent some time today in prayer for a dear cousin who lost their baby. It made me so sad for them and helped me put alot of things in perspective. I am so extremely thankful for the family I have and I hope I NEVER take them for granted. I never got to do a thankful post, and maybe this is it. I am thankful for more things than I can count. I am more blessed than I deserve and I pray that I am always counting these blessings instead of looking for what I don't have. There is always somebody more worse off than you and no matter how far you fall you must get up and keep going. This can only be done with God's help. He sure does send some special people your way to encourage you as well. Ending today's blog with a prayer.

Dear God, Teach me to take each day for what it is and use it as you have planned. Help me think of others first and me last. Allow me never to forget all my blessing and how RICH I truly am. Let me have a heart that is full of service and love. Please keep me humble and allow those around me to know I am yours by the way I live. If conversations come from me living my life, give me the courage to tell those who don't know about you my personal story with You. I love you and will serve you all my days!

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