Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today's craft was painting a bus that Davis picked out. I know you are thinking wow what a Christmas craft, but it totally goes with the phase that he is in right now so we just went with it. He cracked me up, he totally picked up the paint brush and went straight to work. We have never painted before or even used a paint brush, so I was VERY impressed! His artwork turned out so beautiful, check it out!

doing good so far!

look at me!!

am I having fun or what?

look at my hands!!!

look at my mess!

i love those hands

he loved saying his colors while painting!

This is our craft from Mark's Feed Store and it is by far one of the ones Davis' has enjoyed the most. He has always been so good with his hands and he held the pipe cleaner in one hand and pushed the beads on with the other. (I told him red or white) It turned out pretty cute, except we ran out of beads!! Oh well!


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