Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's a Family thing, you just wouldn't understand!

The Wellington's arrived several days before Christmas so we could celebrate a little early. We had such a great time being silly and just being togather. Oh we made memories and I will try to show you how much fun we had. We decided to let D have several toys before Christmas, so we wouldn't overtstimulate him. (didn't work!) He was able to enjoy several new toys before he was bombarded with Christmas!

what a look Davis!
much better!

mom isn't one enough??

Yay! Mimi and Pawpaw got Davis Chuck!

Such a happy boy, with such happy g-parents!

Look at my Chuck!

Yep, I'm cute!

Mimi listening to Davis talk about his trucks!!

Look at lala's lips! haha!

Mimi's kisses with BIG lips!

Look at silly papaw!

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