Wednesday, December 8, 2010

one lucky girl...

(pics from our second trip to Aruba!!)

I love having this blog to share my wonderful memories with my family and friends who do not live close. It allows me to say things I probably wouldn't be able to say if it were in person. (due to a baby on my hip, or any other distraction!!) I must take a minute today and brag on my hubby. He is one AMAZING man who constantly thinks of others first (i rarely hear him speak of himself) and a man who fears God. He consistenly motivates me to be better and do more. I love his sweet heart and firm beliefs. He keeps me going and shows me how good life truly is. When Walker asked my dad to marry me he only asked one thing of Walker, to take me to heaven with him, and he is NOT letting him down. What a blessing to have such a Godly husband and best friend. If you are a avid reader of Wellington Way you know life has been a bit of a challenge for my family the last few months. Despite all the challenges Walker has remained faithful and strong, which in turn has helped me do the same. Walker, life would not be near as fun without you. You leave for work every morning, with a smile on your face, so I can stay at home and you return with the same smile. (even though you wish things could be different jobwise!) You are a fabulous father and Davis adores you. I have never seen a little boy so excited when he hears the garage door open. He screams dadda and runs for the door to do his daddy's home dance! Never knew asking for a jolly rancher would land me one of the sweetest men I know. God has a way of taking care of us all, doesn't he?

1 comment:

  1. what do you want for Christmas? Boy, do you know how to make a Mama cry......Seriously, you are a precious wife, mother, daughter-in-law and friend whom I count as one of my most precious blessings. How blessed I am to have my son find a wife like you! Love you!!!
